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Wednesday, May 13, 1818   Christian Moerlein

Christian Moerlein was born in Truppach, Bavaria. He immigrated to the United States in 1841 settling in Cincinnati, Ohio a year later.  In 1853 Moerlein and Adam Dillman founded the Elm Street Brewery in Cincinnati Ohio. It became one of the largest and most celebrated American breweries in the 19th century. The Christian Moerlein Brewing Co. was partly - maybe mostly - responsible for establishing the reputation of Cincinnati as a "beer town". In the late 1870s and '80s the phrase "Cincinnati Lager" was held by beer drinkers throughout the country in as equally high regard as "St. Louis Lager" and "Milwaukee Lager".

Moerlein died on the 14th day of May, 1897, a day after his 79th birthday. Moerlein Lager Beer is still being made in Cincinnati.

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Associated Breweries

Chr. Moerlein Brewing Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

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