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Wednesday, February 8, 1832   Charles Tascher

Charles Tascher was born in Canton Ohio, the oldest child of Valintinus and Marie Tascher. At a young age his family moved to St. Joseph County, Indiana, where Charles was raised.

In 1858 Charles, his wife Elizabeth Soice and their five children journeyed west to Colorado following the promise of riches in the boomtown of Denver. They were joined by his sister Wilhelmina and her husband, a Chicago brewer named Charles Endlich.

When they arrived Tascher partnered with Frederick Zadek Salomon to form the first mercantile company in that city. From that mercantile evolved, in 1859, a brewery, also a first for Denver. As the Rocky Mountain Brewery grew, and with it Elndlich's influence, Tascher's partnership faded.

In the autumn of 1866 Tascher's mother and sister died within 13 days of each other. Also in early September Charles Endlich, who by now was the sole proprietor of the Rocky Mountain Brewery, died as well, leaving the business in the hands of his younger brother John.

By 1870 Tascher was in Central City living as a miner with his brother, sister-in-law and nephew. The 1880 census shows him still mining in Central City, living with his brother Jacob, their widowed sister and her 21 year old son, Charles Endlich Junior. Charles Tascher died in those mountains on June 5th, 1890. he was 58 years of age.

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Associated Breweries

Philip Zang Brewing Company, of Denver, Colorado, USA

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