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Tuesday, September 16, 1856   Wincelolaus Chalupsky

Wincelolaus (Wencel or Wencil) Chalupsky was born. He was the eldest son in a family of brewers originally from Pisek, East Bohemia. On July 25, 1861 four-year-old Wencel was taken by his parents through Ellis Island to their new home in America. They settled in Helena Minnesota, just north of the community of Bohemian immigrants called New Prague. Wencel got his start in the brewing business in his father's brewery in Montgomery, Minnesota. In 1878 and his brother-in-law Frank Radley bought M. Frietschel's Brewery in Lanesboro. He sold his share to Radley in 1882. In 1886 Wencel started a brewery of his own on the shore of Silver Lake. After 19 years he sold the brewery to his brother Frank who, in 1913 renamed it the Silver Lake Brewery. The brewery was closed down by National Prohibition in 1920. Wencil Chalupsky died on December 10, 1935.

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Wenzel Chalupsky of Silver Lake, Minnesota, USA

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