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Tuesday, October 14, 1834   John Good

John Good was born in Uhrwiller, Alsace-Lorraine, Germany. The Good family emigrated to America in 1854 and settled in Ohio. In the late 1850s John married and took his wife to settle in the booming town of Denver Colorado. In 1860 he joined with merchant Fred Salomon and veteran brewer Charles Endlich to manage the Rocky Mountain Brewery, a company that had been formed just a few months earlier as the first brewery in Denver. Salomon left the partnership in 1861. Endlich and Good continued in the prospering brewery. During the early 1860s Charles Endlich stayed in Denver while John and his brother Adam opened Rocky Mountain Brewery branches in the mining camps Blackhawk and Central City Colorado. Endlich died in 1864 leaving the entire operation to the management of Good. In 1868 Good took on Philip Zang as partner. Zang was already a formidable pro in the brewery business,. having ran the large Phoenix Brewery in Louisville Kentucky since 1859. Zang took over sole proprietorship of the Rocky Mountain Brewery in 1870 and Good went into the mining camps to establish breweries in Leadville and Aspen. At age 66, when most people look to retire, John Good was not yet done. The Milwaukee Brewery in Denver had become available and Good saw an opportunity to once again brew beer on a grand scale. Good purchased the company in 1900 and renamed it the Tivoli Brewery. John Good died on November 22, 1918 at age 84 years.

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Associated Breweries

Philip Zang Brewing Company, of Denver, Colorado, USA

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