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Tuesday, October 12, 1852   Frederick H. Gottlieb

Frederick H. Gottlieb, future president of the Gottlieb-Bauernschmidt-Strauss Brewing Co., of Baltimore, Maryland, was born in Nagywarad, Hungary. His family came to America in 1864 at age 11. His father was a shoe maker in New York City and young Frederick's first job was as a messenger for the New York Stock Exchange. It was here he gained a wider view of the world and came to see the limits of his education. In 1876 Frederick married a West Virginia girl named Christina B. Butterfield, a union that would produce six children. They settled in Baltimore, Maryland where Frederick obtained a position at Francis Dandelet's Ale brewery. Within four years he rose in the firm to proprietor. He was just twenty-eight years of age. In ten years his brewery, now called the Globe, already the oldest in Baltimore, would become the largest. Ten years after than his name would be first in the Gottlieb-Bauernschmidt-Strauss conglomerate of the 11 largest breweries in Baltimore. When he died on a sea voyage in 1929, however, Gottlieb's business accomplishments were just a footnote. Newspapers remembered him first as a patron of the arts, a liberal benefactor, and a musician. During his decades in Baltimore Gottlieb had studied the arts, and he had became a well-known flutist in the Johns Hopkins Orchestra. He was president of the Charcoal Club, an officer of the Floristan Club and was honorary president of the Journalist Club. He accumulated a valuable collection of rare instruments. But the brewery he guided into prosperity would be his lasting legacy. The Globe Brewery re-emerged after Prohibition and became a dominant regional brewery and its Arrow Beer was distributed from Pennsylvania to Florida. The artifacts of his breweries are prized collectibles today.

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Associated Breweries

The National Brewing Company of Baltimore, Maryland, USA

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