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Tuesday, February 2, 1830   Joseph Hensler Sr.

Joseph Hensler Sr. was born in Gutenstein Konstanzer Landkreis, Germany, son of brewer Bonifatz Hensler. Joseph and his brother Adolph F. learned the brewer's trade in his father's brewery in Moeskirch. Joseph emigrated to America in 1854 and found employment as a journeyman in the Schalk Bros. brewery in Newark, New Jersey. The Schalks were able and ambitious, and surely the situation was mutually beneficial.

In 1857 opportunity came knocking. David Jaquillard, a fellow Newark brewer of the firm Lorenz & Jacquillard, died, leaving his partner in need. Hensler obliged, and married tJaquillar's widow the next year. In 1859 Hensler also obliged Lorenz by purchasing the deceased's partnership from his new wife. The two operated as Lorenz & Hensler until 1866, when Hensler bought Lorenz's share as well.

Under Hensler's management the brewery continued to grow. Eventually he brought his sons Joseph Jr. and Adolph F. into the business. Hensler died on March 29th, 1902 at age 72 years. The brewery bearing his name succeeded him by more than 50 years, the last barrel rolling off the line in 1958.

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Associated Breweries

Joseph Hensler Brewing Company of Newark, New Jersey, USA

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