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Thursday, February 3, 1831   Gabrial Hail Jr.

Gabrial Hail Jr. was born in Memmingin, Barvaria.   His family emigrated to America in 1849 when Gabrial was just 14 years old.  They settled in Grant County, Wisconsin where they became farmers.  In 1853 his father and Andrew Albrecht established a brewery in the town of Potosi, and in that brewhouse Gabrial Jr. received continuing education in the craft of brewing. 

On September 28, 1858 Gabrial married Elizabeth Hummel, and together they would have seven children.  

On the 15th of September 1874 Gabrial's brewhouse education was put to the test, when his father died.  Five months later, on March 26th 1875 his faith was put to the test when his wife died. Gabrial Hail Jr. himself died on the 24th of July, 1879, by his own hand.  He had hung himself from the brewery rafters.  He was 48 years of age.

After these tragedies the brewery laid idle for several years.  The family finally sold the firm to Adam Schumacher in 1886.

The Hails of 1853 would be shocked to know that their little brewery in the mining camps of Southwestern Wisconsin is today the ABA museum, the Mecca of American Brewery history enthusiasts. 

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Associated Breweries

Potosi Brewing Company of Potosi, Wisconsin, USA

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