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Thursday, April 2, 1840   Washington Temperance Society

The Washington Temperance Society founded in Baltimore, on the 110th anniversary of the birth of the first President. Its members were reformed heavy drinkers from the working class who "took the pledge" to abstain from alcohol. The Washingtonian movement grew from Baltimore to be the first nationwide temperance organization in America.

Pledge we here as Sober men,
Never will we Drink again.
Intoxicating Drinks in every form: We've done with the Vile Stuff.
Tis Water, bright water, a mine of wealth: The ores it yieldeth are vigor and health.
for those who drink Much or Little.
the last effort of desponding Humanity.
No Man ever became a Drunkard before he has for a
time been a Moderate Drinker.
The 4th of July: Let it be a day of Gratitude to Heaven for the National blessings we enjoy,
Not of riotous Debauchery and loathsome Dissipation.

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Unknown American Brewer of Unknown, Illinois, USA
Important Prohibition Dates

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