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The Acme Brewing Co. Of Joliet, Illinois, USA

Dates Trade Name Historic Address
1902 - 1920 Fred(erick). Sehring Brewing Co. 812-872 Scott Street
1933 - 1939 Acme Brewing Company 812-872 Scott Street
1933 - 1939 Hillside Brewing Company (Aka of Acme Brewing... 812-872 Scott Street
1933 - 1939 Acme Brewing Company of Joliet, Ill. Inc. (Ak... 812-872 Scott Street
1933 - 1939 Pioneer Brewing Co. (Aka of Acme Brewing Co.) 812-872 Scott Street
  • The 515 Summit building (the former Sehring malthouse) is still standing, and now houses an auto body company. 555 Summit was an auxiliary building that was torn down in about 2003 and is now a vacant lot. The Sehring brewhouse stood just to the south, in the 400 block of Summit, but was torn down in the 1960s and a newer building of the Joliet Catholic Diocese now stands in its place. Thanks to contributor Pete A. for the update on this brewery!
  • U-Permit Number :   ILL-U-792
  • L-permit Number :  



Circa: 1st March 1869    


Circa: 1901    



Export Beer

1902     Fred(erick). Sehring Brewing Co.812-872 Scott Street


Begin: 1902     End 1920

1902 - 1920

Begin: 1910     End 1920



Export Beer

1933     Pioneer Brewing Co. (Aka of Acme Brewing Co.)812-872 Scott Street


Begin: 1933     End 1939

1933 - 1939

1939 ClosedAcme Brewing Company