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Stoll Brewing Co. (Pre-Pro) of Troy, New York, USA

Dates Trade Name Historic Address
1855 - 1862 George Koob Hollow Road
1863 - 1888 Jacob F. Stoll 35/41 Spring Avenue
1888 - 1895 The Jacob Stoll Brewery 35/41 Spring Avenue
1895 - 1920 Stoll Brewing Co. 35/41 Spring Avenue
1934 - 1934 Stoll Brewing Co., Inc. 41 Spring Avenue
  • The Fate of the Brewery building is unknown


1855     FoundedGeorge KoobHollow Road

1863     Jacob F. Stoll35/41 Spring Avenue

1888     The Jacob Stoll Brewery35/41 Spring Avenue

1895     Stoll Brewing Co.35/41 Spring Avenue

1934     Stoll Brewing Co., Inc.41 Spring Avenue

1934 ClosedStoll Brewing Co., Inc.