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Saturday, March 26, 1825   Conrad Windisch

Conrad Windisch was born to a brewing family in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. In 1848 he and his brother Johann emigrated to America and settled in Cincinnati, where they entered the brewing business. In 1853 Conrad bought out Adam Dillman's partnership in Christian Moerlein's new Elm Street Brewery in that city. Although it was successful, Windisch left the firm in 1866 to form his own brewery with new partner Gottlieb Muhlhauser.

Meanwhile in 1863 Johann had partnered with John Hauck to form what would eventually be called the Red Top Brewery. By 1875 each of these four Cincinnati brewers, Conrad Windisch, Johann Windisch (with John Hauck) and Christian Moerlein would be making beers that earned international honors. It is these four men who were responsible for establishing the reputation of Cincinnati Lager worldwide.

Conrad Windisch died on the 2nd of July, 1887 at age 62, but his name is still recognized in the brewing community today.

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Associated Breweries

Windisch-Mulhauser Brewing Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

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