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Rubsam & Horrmann Brewing Co. of Stapleton, New York, USA

Dates Trade Name Historic Address
1865 - 1870 Krug & Bach, Atlantic Brewery *
1870 - 1888 Joseph Rubsam & August Horrmann, Atlantic... *
1888 - 1920 Rubsam & Horrmann Brewing Co. Atlantic Brewer... 191/193 Canal Street
1920 - 1933 Rubsam & Horrmann Brewing Co. Atlantic Brewer... 191/193 Canal Street
1920 - 1933 Rubsam & Horrmann Brewing Company 191/193 Canal Street
1933 - 1953 Rubsam & Horrmann Brewing Company 191/193 Canal Street
1953 - 1955 Piel's Inc. 191/193 Canal Street
1955 - 1963 Piel Bros. 191/193 Canal Street
  • The Fate of the Brewery building is unknown
  • U-Permit Number :   NY-U-214
  • L-permit Number :   L-40



11th November 1833