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Schlitz Beer Paper Ad Item #22279

"The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous"

Paper (Newspaper/Magazine) Ads
Grade 9.5
Ad Campaign:
Schlitz: Raising a Glass
10½ x 14 inches tall.
Know the real joy of good living
When it comes to refreshment, the best is always yours. Make your move to Schlitz, the beer with just the kiss of the hops. It's one of life's most refreshing pleasures.
Move up to quality... move up to Schlitz !

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10½ x 14 inches tall.
Know the real joy of good living
When it comes to refreshment, the best is always yours. Make your move to Schlitz, the beer with just the kiss of the hops. It's one of life's most refreshing pleasures.
Move up to quality... move up to Schlitz !