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Schlitz Beer Paper Ad Item #17286

"Nice Work And You Can Get It"

Paper (Newspaper/Magazine) Ads
Grade 9
10½ x 14 inches tall, from Colliers 5/19/1951.
Nice work and you can get it
You can really enjoy doing a spot of gardening with a spot of Schlitz to spell you when you're dry. No other beer tastes quite like Schlitz. As a matter of fact, Schlitz tastes so good to so many people that it's ...
The Largest-selling Beer in America
See Television's Biggest Hit:
Schlitz presents "The Pulitzer Prize Playhouse"
Stars of stage and screen direct from New York. Over ABC every Friday
Hear Radio's Brightest Comedy: Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Colman star for Schlitz as "The Halls of Ivy" every Wednesday over NBC

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Product Description

10½ x 14 inches tall, from Colliers 5/19/1951.
Nice work and you can get it
You can really enjoy doing a spot of gardening with a spot of Schlitz to spell you when you're dry. No other beer tastes quite like Schlitz. As a matter of fact, Schlitz tastes so good to so many people that it's ...
The Largest-selling Beer in America
See Television's Biggest Hit:
Schlitz presents "The Pulitzer Prize Playhouse"
Stars of stage and screen direct from New York. Over ABC every Friday
Hear Radio's Brightest Comedy: Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Colman star for Schlitz as "The Halls of Ivy" every Wednesday over NBC