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Schlitz Beer Paper Ad Item #17259

"Your Thirst Can Feel The Difference!"

Paper (Newspaper/Magazine) Ads
Grade 9
10½ x 14 inches tall.
"The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous"
No harsh bitterness! Your taste can actually "feel" the difference between Schlitz and any other beer. A soothing, cooling, refreshing difference you can really feel as well as taste. What a wonderful feeling! No other beer refreshes like Schlitz.
In the Schlitz original HALF-QUART can (packed 24 to the case), also in the convenient 6-pak with the handy handle that makes it so easy to carry.
The Beer that Made Milwaukee Famous
?1955?Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wis., Brooklyn, N. Y., Los Angeles, Calif.

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Product Description

10½ x 14 inches tall.
"The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous"
No harsh bitterness! Your taste can actually "feel" the difference between Schlitz and any other beer. A soothing, cooling, refreshing difference you can really feel as well as taste. What a wonderful feeling! No other beer refreshes like Schlitz.
In the Schlitz original HALF-QUART can (packed 24 to the case), also in the convenient 6-pak with the handy handle that makes it so easy to carry.
The Beer that Made Milwaukee Famous
?1955?Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wis., Brooklyn, N. Y., Los Angeles, Calif.