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Schlitz Beer Paper Ad Item #16777

"Just What I Wished For"

Paper (Newspaper/Magazine) Ads
Grade 9
10½ x 14 inches tall.
Just what I wished for!
You couldn't wish for a finer-tasting beer than Schlitz, and most people don't.
Most people simply buy the beer that tastes best to them. And more people like the taste of Schlitz than any other beer. This is an excellent reason why more and more people are changing to Schlitz every day...and the reason why Schlitz is...
The Largest-selling Beer in America
See Television's Biggest Hit: Schlitz presents 'The Pulitzer Prize Playhouse" Stars of stage and screen direct from New York. Over ABC every Friday Hear Radio's Brightest Comedy: Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Co/man star for Schlitz as "The Halls of Ivy" every Wednesday over NBC
Dave Mink illustration ?The Wishing Well?

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Product Description

10½ x 14 inches tall.
Just what I wished for!
You couldn't wish for a finer-tasting beer than Schlitz, and most people don't.
Most people simply buy the beer that tastes best to them. And more people like the taste of Schlitz than any other beer. This is an excellent reason why more and more people are changing to Schlitz every day...and the reason why Schlitz is...
The Largest-selling Beer in America
See Television's Biggest Hit: Schlitz presents 'The Pulitzer Prize Playhouse" Stars of stage and screen direct from New York. Over ABC every Friday Hear Radio's Brightest Comedy: Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Co/man star for Schlitz as "The Halls of Ivy" every Wednesday over NBC
Dave Mink illustration ?The Wishing Well?