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A glass three times a day
is the fairest flower in the garden of humanity. Every woman can be lovely-after her own style-with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks, and with every line of beauty fully developed.
Malt Extract
"The Best Tonic"
will bring out her beauty, fill in the hollows, cover up the bones and angles, round out the curves and develop all her lines of beauty. It is a flesh and tissue builder that will make any woman plump and round and rosy, as she was meant to be. Try it yourself, and your mirror will show you a pleasant surprise.
"I have used Pabst Malt Extract, The 'Best' Tonic my self, and have recommended it to my patients during severe attacks of the grip. If it is not the 'Best,' there is none better." IBA B. BEAD, M. D., New York City.
"As for your 'Best' Tonic, I have proved its excellencies many times, both on my patients and myself,
E. H. HARDINGE, Lady Supt. Sherbrooke Protestant Hospital.
"I value Pabst Malt Extract as the best of all Tonics, having used it a good deal while in the hospital."
M. B. UMBERGER, Trained Nurse.
"I have prescribed 'Best' Tonic for my patients, and the result in each instance has been good as a Tonic, and a helpful stimulant to digestion." DR. M. S. WARD, Newark, N. J,
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This is the Best Tonic I?ll Draw the cork A Glass Three times a day Like this I feel better already!