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Pabst Extract Paper Ad Item #18914

"Restless, Sleeping Nights or Sound Slumber?"

Paper (Newspaper/Magazine) Ads
Grade 9.5
7X10 inches HARPER'S MAGAZINE ADVERTISER Restless, Sleepless Nights or Sound Refreshing Slumber? When sleep doesn't come naturally, and nights are spent in restless tossing, turning and worry, it's time to come to Nature's aid. Insomnia, or deprivation of sleep, may be due to pain, fever or cerebral excitement. It may be brought on by illness, by some excep¬tional nervous strain, by long-continued worry or by sheer overwork. In sleep the vessels of the brain contract and cause t h e blood to leave the brain automatically, but when the brain is active a plentiful supply of blood is re¬quired. If the activity is carried to great excess the mechanism of the brain does not act, its vessels become engorged with blood and sleep is banished. The Grave Dangers of Insomnia Should Not Go Unheeded Professional and business men, and wcmen who are active in social or business life, are the most frequent suffer¬ers from insom¬nia. When a breakdown h as happened, or is pending, the real end to aim at is t h e restoration of the natural functions. But don't resort to opiates or habit-forming drugs because the substitution of artificial sleep by means of narcotics tends rather to prevent than to promote the desired result. Prompt Relief is Assured by theUse of Pabst Extract This well known remedy contains two valuable toning elements—hops and malt. The soothing effects of the hops quiet and strengthen the nerves. Hops also possess an excellent tonic value that stimulates the digestive fluids and paves the way for the proper reception of tissue nour¬ishment which is furnished by the extract of barley malt. Pabst Extract, The "Best" Tonic, quickly tones up Emilio the entire sys-,1.!111!,E11H11111 the cause of onimilg111111111:1' tern and relieves sleeplessness. A few bottles taken at the commencement of the trouble may save months or even years of enforced idleness. Don't Wait. Order a Dozen Bot¬tles from Your Druggist Today. In no matter of _health is the importance of "taking it early" more pronounced than in insomnia. Be sure to insist upon Pabst Extract—The -Best- Tonic—made from choicest hops and barley malt and fortified with calcium hypophosphite and iron pyro¬phosphate. Take a wineglassful before each meal and at bed time. It is wonder¬fully refreshi sl efficacious in producing Do Doze n recommendedng foreep. Also Onemes dyspepsia, nervous¬ness, anaemia, overwork, old age, motherhood and for convales¬cents. Write for our free booklet explaining all the uses and benefits of Pabst Extract. PABST EXTRACT CO., Milwaukee

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7X10 inches HARPER'S MAGAZINE ADVERTISER Restless, Sleepless Nights or Sound Refreshing Slumber? When sleep doesn't come naturally, and nights are spent in restless tossing, turning and worry, it's time to come to Nature's aid. Insomnia, or deprivation of sleep, may be due to pain, fever or cerebral excitement. It may be brought on by illness, by some excep¬tional nervous strain, by long-continued worry or by sheer overwork. In sleep the vessels of the brain contract and cause t h e blood to leave the brain automatically, but when the brain is active a plentiful supply of blood is re¬quired. If the activity is carried to great excess the mechanism of the brain does not act, its vessels become engorged with blood and sleep is banished. The Grave Dangers of Insomnia Should Not Go Unheeded Professional and business men, and wcmen who are active in social or business life, are the most frequent suffer¬ers from insom¬nia. When a breakdown h as happened, or is pending, the real end to aim at is t h e restoration of the natural functions. But don't resort to opiates or habit-forming drugs because the substitution of artificial sleep by means of narcotics tends rather to prevent than to promote the desired result. Prompt Relief is Assured by theUse of Pabst Extract This well known remedy contains two valuable toning elements—hops and malt. The soothing effects of the hops quiet and strengthen the nerves. Hops also possess an excellent tonic value that stimulates the digestive fluids and paves the way for the proper reception of tissue nour¬ishment which is furnished by the extract of barley malt. Pabst Extract, The "Best" Tonic, quickly tones up Emilio the entire sys-,1.!111!,E11H11111 the cause of onimilg111111111:1' tern and relieves sleeplessness. A few bottles taken at the commencement of the trouble may save months or even years of enforced idleness. Don't Wait. Order a Dozen Bot¬tles from Your Druggist Today. In no matter of _health is the importance of "taking it early" more pronounced than in insomnia. Be sure to insist upon Pabst Extract—The -Best- Tonic—made from choicest hops and barley malt and fortified with calcium hypophosphite and iron pyro¬phosphate. Take a wineglassful before each meal and at bed time. It is wonder¬fully refreshi sl efficacious in producing Do Doze n recommendedng foreep. Also Onemes dyspepsia, nervous¬ness, anaemia, overwork, old age, motherhood and for convales¬cents. Write for our free booklet explaining all the uses and benefits of Pabst Extract. PABST EXTRACT CO., Milwaukee