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National Bohemian Beer Paper Ad Item #74123

"From The Land Of Pleasant Living"

Paper (Newspaper/Magazine) Ads
Grade 9.5
10½ x 14 inches. From Life 1958
...National Brewing Co Baltimore MD
National Bohemian Beer works wonders when you're thirsty- really thirsty. Soon you'll be able to enjoy it... Wet, cold, and delicious... Wherever you live. Three National Brewing Company plants brew it for you- in Maryland, in Michigan, in Florida. When you see it.... taste it! THE NATIONAL BREWING CO., BALTIMORE. MD. • OTHER PLANTS: DETROIT. MICH -ORLANDO. FLA.

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Product Description

10½ x 14 inches. From Life 1958
...National Brewing Co Baltimore MD
National Bohemian Beer works wonders when you're thirsty- really thirsty. Soon you'll be able to enjoy it... Wet, cold, and delicious... Wherever you live. Three National Brewing Company plants brew it for you- in Maryland, in Michigan, in Florida. When you see it.... taste it! THE NATIONAL BREWING CO., BALTIMORE. MD. • OTHER PLANTS: DETROIT. MICH -ORLANDO. FLA.