10½ x 14 inches tall. "Tell Uncle Bert I can still lick him pitching horseshoes". .."Boy, would I like to be sailing on the bay again!"..."Are my tools where they always used to be?"
He's fighting a war thousands of miles away but his thoughts are never far from home. For these are the questions that pass through his mind . . . these are among the things he's fighting for . . . the small familiar things that remind hint of home.
Of course, he's fighting for much bigger things too—Freedom, and Democracy, and
Lasting Peace. But when he thinks of his re¬turn, it's the little things, the small familiar pleasures he looks forward to.
It happens that to many of us these impor¬tant little things include the right to enjoy a refreshing glass of beer or ale ... as a beverage of moderation after a good day's work ... with good friends … with a home-cooked meal.
A glass of beer—not of crucial importance, surely... yet it is little things like this that help mean home to all of us, that do so much to build morale—ours and his.
The United States Navy rays: "Noth¬ing is so important to the morale of our fighting men as letters from home Write that letter today."