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"Morale Is A Lot Of Little Things" Paper Ad Item #62041

Paper (Newspaper/Magazine) Ads
Grade 9
10½ x 14 inches tall.
Boy those steaks used to taste swell.
All over the world today ... men away from home . . . fighting a war to help preserve the things they've left behind . . . are thinking of things like this . . . The grilled steak suppers in the backyard . . . horseshoe pitching with the gang . . . the friendship of a faithful spaniel . . .
Not big things any of them ... but with all of us, isn't it these little things, these small familiar pleasures, that add up to home? And isn't "home" the thing we're fighting for . . . It happens that to many of us these im¬portant little things include the right to enjoy a refreshing glass of beer. Cool, sparkling, friendly, beer is a sigh of satisfaction . . . a forehead wrinkle erased . . . a firm-set mouth relaxing into a friendly smile.
Wholesome and satisfying, how good it is . . . as a beverage of moderation after a hard day's work . . . with good friends . . . with a home-cooked meal.
A glass of beer or ale—not of crucial impor¬tance, surely . . . yet it is little things like this that help mean home to all of us, that do so much to build morale—ours and his.
Men of the United States Navy say letters keep up morale ... Write that V-Mail letter today.

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10½ x 14 inches tall.
Boy those steaks used to taste swell.
All over the world today ... men away from home . . . fighting a war to help preserve the things they've left behind . . . are thinking of things like this . . . The grilled steak suppers in the backyard . . . horseshoe pitching with the gang . . . the friendship of a faithful spaniel . . .
Not big things any of them ... but with all of us, isn't it these little things, these small familiar pleasures, that add up to home? And isn't "home" the thing we're fighting for . . . It happens that to many of us these im¬portant little things include the right to enjoy a refreshing glass of beer. Cool, sparkling, friendly, beer is a sigh of satisfaction . . . a forehead wrinkle erased . . . a firm-set mouth relaxing into a friendly smile.
Wholesome and satisfying, how good it is . . . as a beverage of moderation after a hard day's work . . . with good friends . . . with a home-cooked meal.
A glass of beer or ale—not of crucial impor¬tance, surely . . . yet it is little things like this that help mean home to all of us, that do so much to build morale—ours and his.
Men of the United States Navy say letters keep up morale ... Write that V-Mail letter today.