10½ x 14 inches tall paper ad. Pabst Blue Ribbon
How does Pabst Blue Ribbon manage to give you the same great flavor glass after glass after glass?
It's the Pabst Blue Ribbon Touch. (PBRT, as they say on TV.) For example, take hops. These temperamental flowers vary tremendously. Even two crops from the same field may be
different. But hops are the spice of beer. So Pabst keeps them under control by blending the finest foreign and domestic hops so they can add the same satisfying sparkle to every brew. We think you'll be able to taste the difference this makes. So give the right answer the next
time you're asked that famous question, "What'll you have?" Just pipe up, "Pabst Blue Ribbon."
Trademarks Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.? Pabst Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis.