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Monday, September 27, 1819   Friedrich Johann Martin Goes

Friedrich Johann Martin Goes was born in Lichtenau, Germany. He was a successful Milwaukee dry goods merchant who had emigrated to America at age 31 in 1850. In 1855 he partnered with fellow German emigree Franz Lorenz Falk to form the Bavaria Brewery on 8th Street. The following year he purchased the Middlewood & Gibson malt-house in order to supply the growing brewery with a necessary ingredient. Goes continued as controlling partner in the brewery until 1865, when Falk bought Goes' stake in the firm.

Although he was out of the brewery in name, Goes continued a close business relationship with his former partner. Goes continued supplying the brewery through the malting business, which he had retained ownership. In 1870, at age 50, he sold the company to William Gerlach & Co. and retired. Goes died on March 13th, 1893 at the age of 73 years.

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Associated Breweries

Franz Falk Brewing Co. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

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