15th October 1829
15th October 1829
Godfried Leffler, future President of the Marion Brewing & Bottling Co. was born in Baden, Germany.
Godfried Leffler, future President of the Marion Brewing & Bottling Co. was born in Baden, Germany.
1894 FoundedMarion Brewing and Bottling Co.640/646 Bellefontaine Ave
28th August 1907
28th August 1907
Godfried Leffler, President of the Marion Brewing & Bottling Co. of Marion Ohio, died from Cancer of the stomach at 78 years of age.
Godfried Leffler, President of the Marion Brewing & Bottling Co. of Marion Ohio, died from Cancer of the stomach at 78 years of age.
Circa: 1910
Circa: 1910
The brewery as it appeared in 1910
1919 ClosedMarion Brewing and Bottling Co.