4th April 1816
4th April 1816

Johann Carl "Charles" Psotta was born in St. Wendel, Saarland, Prussia. He was a trained brewer, and emigrated to America at age 21. He established himself in Philadelphia where he found work in a brewery. In around 1846 he opened his own brewery at 56 New Street, and after two years took George Manger as a partner.
In about 1851 Psotta married Louise Christine Bergdoll, the brother of another Prussian immigrant brewer named Louis Bergdoll. Despite their nine-year age difference, Charles (the older of the two) and Louis became friends and soon Charles left his brewery on new Street and purchased a partnership in Bergdoll's City Park Brewery on Pine Street.
The Psottas lost their first child Charles Jr. at just five days of age in 1863. Louise died in childbirth on July 28th 1854 and took her unnamed baby with her. The next year, in a practice not uncommon in the era, Charles married Louise's younger sister Elizabeth Magdalena Bergdoll. Their marriage would be blessed with five children.
Charles Psotta died on the 3rd of July, 1877. He was 61 years of age. The brewery, for 25 years known as Bergdoll & Psotta, was renamed the Bergdoll Brewing Company. Under Louis's leadership the brewery continued to grow, becoming among the largest such firms in Philadelphia. They made beer right up to Prohibition shut their doors in 1920.
Johann Carl "Charles" Psotta was born in St. Wendel, Saarland, Prussia. He was a trained brewer, and emigrated to America at age 21. He established himself in ... View More
21st July 1825
21st July 1825
Louis Bergdoll, Sr., future Philadelphia brewer, was born in Sinsheim, Germany.
Louis Bergdoll, Sr., future Philadelphia brewer, was born in Sinsheim, Germany.
1849 FoundedBergdoll & (Peter) Schema176 Vine St,
1851 Bergdoll & Psotta 504 Vine Street
Circa: 1854
Circa: 1854

The Bergdoll Brewery as it appeared in 1854.
1857 Bergdoll & Psotta, City Park Brewery504 Vine Street
1873 John Stein315 North Broad Street
1876 Louis Bergdoll, City Park Brewery504 Vine Street
Circa: 1880
1881 Louis Bergdoll Brewing Co., City Park Brewery504 Vine Street
Louis Bergdoll Export Beer
Protiwiner Export Beer
Begin: 1890 End 1934
1890 - 1934
Circa: 1890
Circa: 1890

The Bergdoll Brewery and Bottling Plant as they appeared in 1890.
10th August 1894
10th August 1894
Louis Bergdoll, Sr., Proprietor of the Philadelphia brewery that bears his name, died, aged 69 years.
Louis Bergdoll, Sr., Proprietor of the Philadelphia brewery that bears his name, died, aged 69 years.
Circa: 1895
Circa: 1895

Louis Bergdoll, president of the Louis Bergdoll, City Park Brewery in Philadelphia.
9th September 1896
9th September 1896
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