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Friday, November 17, 1848   Theodore M. Knapstein

Theodore M. Knapstein was born in Prussia. His family emigrated to America when Theodore was just six years of age. The Knapsteins were a farming family toting three young children across the ocean, and had a fourth that would be born on the voyage. Their emigration was likely caused by politics, like so many other Germans who were fleeing persecution after the failed German insurrections of the late 1840s. The family settled in the German-rich area of Outagamie County, Wisconsin where the elder Knapstein obtained some land and commenced to resume his old trade. Theodore worked the family farm from that time until he was 21 years of age. In September of 1869, he went to New London and partnered with Edward Becker and Anton Beyer to purchase the small brewery owned by Joseph Lechner. When Beyer died in 1875, Knapstein purchased both his and Becker's shares and brought his younger brother Henry Knapstein in as partner. At this point the firm was renamed Theo. Knapstein & Company. The Knapstein family ran the brewery until 1959, pausing only for the 13 years of Prohibition. Theodore M. Knapstein died on March 16th, 1917 at age 68 years.

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Associated Breweries

Knapstein Brewing Company of New London, Wisconsin, USA

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