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Clyffside Brewing Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Dates Trade Name Historic Address
1846 - 1867 George Klotter & Co. (John G. Sohn), Hami... 330 Hamilton
1867 - 1870 Sohn, (Edward) Kistner & Co. (Louis Johng... 328 McMicken (Hamilton renamed)
1870 - 1900 J. G. Sohn & Co. (sons John, Jr. (died 18... ne corner Hamburg & 324/330 McMicken Avenue
1900 - 1907 William G. Sohn Brewing Co. 244/252 McMicken Avenue
1907 - 1925 Mohawk Brewing Co. 244/252 McMicken Avenue
1933 - 1945 Clyffside Brewing Company 242 Mc Micken
1945 - 1958 Wunderbrau Brewing Co. (Aka of Red Top Brewin... 242 Mc Micken
1945 - 1958 Red Top Brewing Co. (Plant #2) 242 Mc Micken
  • The Fate of the Brewery building is unknown
  • U-Permit Number :   OHIO-U-687
  • L-permit Number :  



4th March 1805