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Charles D. Kaier Co. of Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania, USA

Dates Trade Name Historic Address
1880 - 1882 Chas. D. Kaier Oak & Laurel Streets & 67/79 North Main Street
1882 - 1884 Chas. D. Kaier & Co. Oak & Laurel Streets & 67/79 North Main Street
1884 - 1891 Francis X. Kaier Oak & Laurel Streets & 67/79 North Main Street
1891 - 1894 Chas. D. Kaier Brewing Co. 111 East Centre Street
1894 - 1920 Chas. D. Kaier Co., Ltd. 67/79 North Main & West Laurel Streets
1920 - 1933 Kaier Brewing Company (Prohibition-era) 67/79 North Main & West Laurel Streets
1933 - 1966 Chas. D. Kaier Company 67/79 North Main & West Laurel Streets
  • The Fate of the Brewery building is unknown
  • U-Permit Number :   PA-U-320
  • L-permit Number :  



6th March 1839    

Charles D. Kaier was born was born Anslem Troian Kaier in the town of Binningen in the Grand Dutchy of Baden.  He was the son of a blacksmith.  The Kaier family emigrated to America when ... View More

1880     FoundedChas. D. KaierOak & Laurel Streets & 67/79 North Main Street

1882     Chas. D. Kaier & Co.Oak & Laurel Streets & 67/79 North Main Street

1884     Francis X. KaierOak & Laurel Streets & 67/79 North Main Street

1891     Chas. D. Kaier Brewing Co.111 East Centre Street


Begin: 1891     End 1933

1891 - 1933

1894     Chas. D. Kaier Co., Ltd.67/79 North Main & West Laurel Streets


31st May 1899    

Charles D. Kaier, the Mahanoy City brewer, died at his home in Philadelphia. He was 60 years of age (the pictured article's birth year of 1833 is incorrect).

Circa: 1905    

1920     Kaier Brewing Company (Prohibition-era)67/79 North Main & West Laurel Streets

1933     Chas. D. Kaier Company67/79 North Main & West Laurel Streets


Dublin Porter
Kaier's Half & Half
Kaier's Bock
Kaier's Special Ale
Kaier's Special Porter
Kaier's Special Beer
Old Diamond Porter
Old Diamond Ale

Circa: 1955    

1966 ClosedChas. D. Kaier Company