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Hopsburger Beer Premium Catalogue Brochure Item #17590

"California's Golden Beer"

Brochures / Price Lists
Grade 8
Full Information
Through the kindness and co-operation of five of the largest and most reputable 'stores in San Francisco, The Union Brewing and Malting Co. (a California institution), is now operating a profit-sharing plan of such unusual me'rit and so broad in its scope that it has created a statewide sensation.
Like all large business houses we have, for years, been spending a liberal amount of money for advertising in different ways, and while this advertising has produced results, our consumers have received no DIRECT benefit from these large expenditures.
After much careful thought on this subject we concluded that if we could originate a plan which would enable every consumer of "Hopsburger" Beer to SHARE in the PROFITS from the sale of that beer?in other words, if we could divert our large advertising expenditure direct to YOUR pockets, instead of putting it into the pockets of the men who sell advertising, we could then count upon YOU as an everlasting "booster" for "Hopsburger" Beer, because in reality you would be a PART OWNER of "Hopsburger" as long as you used it.
To give YOU, the consumer, an actual dividend back at ONCE, with every bottle you purchase?this was our idea. And THIS we are doing IN THE FOLLOWING UNIQUE WAY:
Every "Hopsburger" Beer label has an actual purchasing value of ONE-HALF CENT. One hundred are worth FIFTY CENTS?two hundred are worth ONE DOLLAR?five hundred are worth TWO DOLLARS AND A HALF, and so on.
If you cut 500 LABELS FROM THE BOTTLES, then mail or send them to* The Union Brewing and Malting Co., 18th and Florida Streets, you will receive by return mail a certified MERCHANDISE ORDER FOR $2.50, good for merchandise to that amount when presented at any one of the five big stores mentioned on opposite page.
THESE ARE THE BIG STORES That Will Honor "Hopsburger" Merchandise Orders the Same as Cash:
836 Market Street and 119 Grant Avenue
Cor. Stockton and O'FarreH Streets
Cor. Market and Stockton Streets
Cor. Geary and Stockton Streets
583 Market Street, near Second
281 Geary Street, near Powell
The merchandise handled by these stores includes everything for Women's and Children's Wear and Adornment, everything for Men's Wear, everything for Household Use and Ornament and everything in the Athletic and Sporting Goods line. Watch their windows and advertisements. No red tape ? no limit on the selection of articles (special sales goods included)?all articles delivered free?in brief you are treated like a regular cash customer at any of these great stores. Could anything be fairer or simpler or easier ? Read thoroughly the "Instructions" on inside back cover ?then join the "Hopsburger" Label Army quick. Remember!?This great profit sharing offer in no way affects the splendid quality of "Hopsburger" Beer, as the cost of the premiums comes out of our customary advertising appropriation entirely.
"Hopsburger" has been called "California's Golden Beer" on account of its resemblance to pure gold.
In the brewing of "Hopsburger" only the best selected Grains and the highest grade of Hops are used ? together with the purest filtered water.
"Hopsburger" Beer is properly aged and is bottled in brown bottles?thus preventing decay and insuring absolute purity from the Brewery to your glass.
It has a delicious, mild flavor, it sparkles with life and holds its foam to the very end. There are few beers the equal of "Hopsburger" in quality and flavor ? there are none superior. Its high standard of quality will always be maintained.
Physicians everywhere are now prescribing "Hopsburger" as a tonic an

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Full Information
Through the kindness and co-operation of five of the largest and most reputable 'stores in San Francisco, The Union Brewing and Malting Co. (a California institution), is now operating a profit-sharing plan of such unusual me'rit and so broad in its scope that it has created a statewide sensation.
Like all large business houses we have, for years, been spending a liberal amount of money for advertising in different ways, and while this advertising has produced results, our consumers have received no DIRECT benefit from these large expenditures.
After much careful thought on this subject we concluded that if we could originate a plan which would enable every consumer of "Hopsburger" Beer to SHARE in the PROFITS from the sale of that beer?in other words, if we could divert our large advertising expenditure direct to YOUR pockets, instead of putting it into the pockets of the men who sell advertising, we could then count upon YOU as an everlasting "booster" for "Hopsburger" Beer, because in reality you would be a PART OWNER of "Hopsburger" as long as you used it.
To give YOU, the consumer, an actual dividend back at ONCE, with every bottle you purchase?this was our idea. And THIS we are doing IN THE FOLLOWING UNIQUE WAY:
Every "Hopsburger" Beer label has an actual purchasing value of ONE-HALF CENT. One hundred are worth FIFTY CENTS?two hundred are worth ONE DOLLAR?five hundred are worth TWO DOLLARS AND A HALF, and so on.
If you cut 500 LABELS FROM THE BOTTLES, then mail or send them to* The Union Brewing and Malting Co., 18th and Florida Streets, you will receive by return mail a certified MERCHANDISE ORDER FOR $2.50, good for merchandise to that amount when presented at any one of the five big stores mentioned on opposite page.
THESE ARE THE BIG STORES That Will Honor "Hopsburger" Merchandise Orders the Same as Cash:
836 Market Street and 119 Grant Avenue
Cor. Stockton and O'FarreH Streets
Cor. Market and Stockton Streets
Cor. Geary and Stockton Streets
583 Market Street, near Second
281 Geary Street, near Powell
The merchandise handled by these stores includes everything for Women's and Children's Wear and Adornment, everything for Men's Wear, everything for Household Use and Ornament and everything in the Athletic and Sporting Goods line. Watch their windows and advertisements. No red tape ? no limit on the selection of articles (special sales goods included)?all articles delivered free?in brief you are treated like a regular cash customer at any of these great stores. Could anything be fairer or simpler or easier ? Read thoroughly the "Instructions" on inside back cover ?then join the "Hopsburger" Label Army quick. Remember!?This great profit sharing offer in no way affects the splendid quality of "Hopsburger" Beer, as the cost of the premiums comes out of our customary advertising appropriation entirely.
"Hopsburger" has been called "California's Golden Beer" on account of its resemblance to pure gold.
In the brewing of "Hopsburger" only the best selected Grains and the highest grade of Hops are used ? together with the purest filtered water.
"Hopsburger" Beer is properly aged and is bottled in brown bottles?thus preventing decay and insuring absolute purity from the Brewery to your glass.
It has a delicious, mild flavor, it sparkles with life and holds its foam to the very end. There are few beers the equal of "Hopsburger" in quality and flavor ? there are none superior. Its high standard of quality will always be maintained.
Physicians everywhere are now prescribing "Hopsburger" as a tonic an