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Ashland Brewing Company of Ashland, Wisconsin, USA

Dates Trade Name Historic Address
1872 - 1885 Frank X, Schottmueller, Ashland Brewery 900 East 2nd Street
1885 - 1892 Philip Backer, Ashland Brewery 900 East 2nd Street
1934 - 1937 Ashland Brewing Company 900 East 2nd Street
  • The Fate of the Brewery building is unknown


1872     FoundedFrank X, Schottmueller, Ashland Brewery 900 East 2nd Street

1885     Philip Backer, Ashland Brewery900 East 2nd Street

1934     Ashland Brewing Company900 East 2nd Street


White Ribbon Beer

1937 ClosedAshland Brewing Company