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American Brewing Company of Rochester, New York, USA

Dates Trade Name Historic Address
1855 - 1859 Christian Meyers & Frederick Loebs 110 Hudson Avenue
1859 - 1861 Frederick Loebs 110 Hudson Avenue
1861 - 1879 Geo. Meyers & Frederick Loebs & Co. 110 Hudson Avenue
1879 - 1885 Meyers, Loebs & Co. 250/254 Hudson Avenue
1885 - 1889 Loebs Bros., Lion Brewery 250/254 Hudson Avenue
1889 - 1920 American Brewing Co. 420/440 Hudson Avenue
1889 - 1920 American Brewing Co. 420/440 Hudson Avenue
1933 - 1933 Rochester Food Products Co. 420/440 Hudson Avenue
1933 - 1950 American Brewing Co. of Rochester, N.Y., Inc. 420/440 Hudson Avenue
1940 - 1950 Tam o' Shanter Beverage Corp. (Aka of Am... 420/440 Hudson Avenue
  • The Fate of the Brewery building is unknown
  • U-Permit Number :   NY-U-200
  • L-permit Number :   NY L-124



21st February 1830